Perangkat Lunak GBOS S-Denim 6.0

Denim clothes, for their wearability, versatility and beauty, have always been favored by consumers worldwide. And its natural, healthy appearance belies the impact it has greate impact on the environment. This is because the use of dyes and chemicals in manufacturing, as well as the total amount of water needed to make a pair of jeans, are a drain on nature. How to sovle this problem and create a green earth? Here are the solutions.

Insist on sustainable development and lead the new green fashion.

Less water, less energy, reduce the chemical pollution, hight efficient, create g green manufacturing way.

Reduce water emissions & water pollution with laser technology.

Reduce CO2 emissions and protect the ecological environment with laser technology.

S-Denim 6.0 Software
  • Operate Easily
  • Sharing ideas
  • One-click solution for washing process
  • Test of one-click fabric process
  • Arbitrary deformation of partial effects
  • Arbitrary deformation of partial effects
  • S-HDR over-motion range imaging laser...
Pay respects to traditional process with digital, no complex processes, only 5 steps you can create a pair of jeans.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Keep Good Effect
  • One solution for washing process
  • Pay respects to traditional process
  • Keep clear, delicate and natural effects
  • What you think is what you get
Pay respects to traditional process with digital, no complex processes, only 5 steps you can create a pair of jeans.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
Memastikan pemotongan dengan akurasi tinggi.
  • Tentang GBOS
    22 Februari 2023
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Berikut ini adalah model standar untuk Anda: