Компания GBOS была выбрана в пилотный список "Плана двойного роста" в Дунгуане

14 июля 2017 г.
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“Double growth plan” is a new preferential policy issued in 2017. Dongguan municipal government has allocated 300 million yuan of special funds for this purpose, focusing on supporting the implementation of 200 pilot enterprises. Simply put, the “multiplier plan” is to give preferential support around innovation driven, intelligent manufacturing, M & A, financial leasing, customized services, e-commerce and other aspects, especially: financial investment in the form of credit, commerce, science and technology and other ways. The financial and other industries have not made special introduction to the original key financial policies. The pilot enterprises implement targeted dual support, which is inclusive Policy.

The “Double Plan” policy puts forward 20 measures to deepen the reform of the supply system by focusing on the supply of innovation policy, industry, land, capital, talents and other five elements, and supports the double development of enterprises with practical measures and extra strength. It strives to promote the pilot enterprises to realize the double scale and benefit through three to five years.

In Dongguan, private manufacturing enterprises, high-tech enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises have been listed on the new third board or listed in four categories of 200 enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “pilot enterprises”). At the same time, the “200 + n” support mechanism will be established, and N honorary pilot enterprises will enjoy the same treatment as the pilot enterprises.

In February this year, gbos welcomed the Dongcheng District government’s “doubling plan” assessment team to assess the company’s current and future development plans through a series of enterprise qualification reviews. In April, we officially received the list of pilot enterprises of “key enterprises scale benefit multiplication plan” from Dongcheng District government.

“Double Plan” is a new preferential policy issued in 2017. Dongguan municipal government allocated 300 million yuan of special funds for this purpose, focusing on supporting the implementation of 200 pilot enterprises. Simply put, the “multiplier plan” is to give preferential support around innovation driven, intelligent manufacturing, M & A, financial leasing, customized services, e-commerce and other aspects, especially: financial investment in the form of credit, commerce, science and technology and other ways. The financial and other industries have not made special introduction to the original key financial policies. The pilot enterprises implement targeted dual support, which is inclusive Policy.

The “Double Plan” policy puts forward 20 measures to deepen the reform of the supply system by focusing on the supply of innovation policy, industry, land, capital, talents and other five elements, and supports the double development of enterprises with practical measures and extra strength. It strives to promote the pilot enterprises to realize the double scale and benefit through three to five years.

In Dongguan, private manufacturing enterprises, high-tech enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises have been listed on the new third board or listed in four categories of 200 enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “pilot enterprises”). At the same time, the “200 + n” support mechanism will be established, and N honorary pilot enterprises will enjoy the same treatment as the pilot enterprises.

In February this year, gbos welcomed the Dongcheng District government’s “doubling plan” assessment team to assess the company’s current and future development plans through a series of enterprise qualification reviews. In April, we officially received the list of pilot enterprises of “key enterprises scale benefit multiplication plan” from Dongcheng District government.

In 2017, GBOX laser took the opportunity of “doubling plan” of Dongguan City to promote enterprises to change their development mode, stride forward to quality and brand building, and vigorously explore overseas markets, striving to obtain a larger market share in market promotion, “Dr. Guang made global famous brand in China”.

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